Tuesday, January 13, 2015

All the negative posts about foot surgery

The most common thing I hear from patients after surgery is their amazement of the negative, horror stories that are written online about various foot surgeries.

My belief is that most people have great results after foot surgery. The things that are written online are rare case scenarios. Majority of patients that have great and good outcomes from surgery will not take the time to write their hearts out in a blog. People that do well move on with their lives.

The negative blogs are a way for people to share their feeling, find some answers and in a way try and help other people. I think it's great to second guess having surgery. Though the results are usually very good, they are not 100%.

You don't know what the underlying medical condition is present with the patient that writes a negative blog. Perhaps they can not take any pain medication or their pain threshold is much lower than yours.

Do your research and find a doctor you are comfortable with and will go over the common complications that can occur with whatever surgery you might be having.

If it is something foot or ankle related, feel free to ask on this blog and I'll do my best to get you an answer.

Contact Dr. Kolodenker

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