Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Peroneal Tendon Treatment, Therapy, Surgery

Peroneal Tendonitis Treatment

An explanation by your Podiatrist in Orange County California

There are two peroneal tendons, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. They run side-by-side behind the outer ankle bone.
Peroneus Brevis tendon attaches to the outer part of the midfoot onto the base of the 5th metatarsal. During an inversion ankle injury this tendon can cause a fracture of the metatarsal.
Peroneus Longus tendon runs under the foot and attaches near the inside of the arch.
The main function of the peroneal tendons is to stabilize the foot and ankle and protect them from sprains. The tendons work to evert the foot.
Injury most commonly occur after an ankle sprain. Also, individuals who participate in sports that involve repetitive ankle motion are at high injury of peroneal tendonitis. In addition, people with higher arches are at risk for developing peroneal tendon injuries.
Subluxation of the peroneal tendons occurs when one or both tendons have slipped out of their normal position behind the fibula. In some cases, subluxation is due to a condition in which a person is born with a variation in the shape of the bone or muscle. In other cases, subluxation occurs following trauma, such as an ankle sprain.


A snapping or clicking feeling of the tendon around the ankle bone.
Pain behind the outside ankle bone. Pain along the lateral part of the leg
Ankle instability, weakness, and frequent sprains.


A physical exam with muscle and tendon evaluation is very important. Imaging studies such as an MRI may be needed to fully evaluate
the extent of peroneal tendon injury or tendon tear.


Rest, ice, compression, and elevation is the first line of treatment.
Physical therapy should start very quickly after pain and edema subside. Click on the video link to see a peroneal tendon strengthening technique. An orthotic made with a rearfoot valgus post can sometimes help.


If pain continues surgery is an option.
Peroneal Tendon Surgery should focus on repair of any degenerative tendon or tears within the tendon.
For a surgical consult contact Dr. Gennady Kolodenker, DPM, AACFAS in Orange County Irvine, California (949)651-1202

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